Alexander Schaefer


211 Mary Talbert Way, Rm. 119

Buffalo, NY 14222




University at Buffalo,

Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy


New York University,

Research Fellow, School of Law



University of Arizona,  

Ph.D. Philosophy, Doctoral Minor in Economic Theory

Dissertation: Coping with Complexity: Essays on Evolution and Institutions

Committee: David Schmidtz (chair), Thomas Christiano, Justin Bruner, Vlad Tarko


University of Wisconsin - Madison

B.A. Philosophy, Economics

Graduated with Comprehensive Honors

Senior honors thesis: “Selecting Naturalism: A Dilemma for Street’s Dilemma”



Polycentricity and Adaptation: A Multilevel Selectionist Approach.Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (forthcoming).

Does Miscommunication Mitigate the Upshot of Diversity?” PLOS ONE  (forthcoming). (with Ryan Muldoon and Keith Hankins).

Is Justice a Fixed Point?” American Journal of Political Science  (2023).

Public Servants.” Journal of Moral Philosophy (2022). (with Mario Iván Juárez García).

Exit & Isolation: Rousseau's State of Nature.Synthese (2022). (with Mario Iván Juárez García).

Unraveling into War: Trust and Social Preferences in Hobbes’s State of Nature.Economics and Philosophy (2022). (with Jin-yeong Sohn).

Reasonable but Nonliberal: Another Route to Polycentrism.The Philosophical Quarterly (2022).

Hayek’s Twin IdeasThe Cambridge Journal of Economics (2021).

Rationality, Uncertainty, and Unanimity: An Epistemic Critique of Contractarianism.Economics and Philosophy (2021).

Incoherent but Reasonable: A Defense of Truth-Abstinence in Political Liberalism.Social Theory and Practice (2020). (with Wes Siscoe).

The Lukewarm Religions of Rawls’s Overlapping Consensus.Aporia (2014).

Book Chapters        

Robust Reconciliation,”

New Social Contract Theory: Liberty, Equality, Diversity, and the Open Society. Oxford University Press (forthcoming).

The Birds and the Bees: Classical Liberalism in Relation to Other Schools of Thought,”

The Routledge Companion to Classical Liberalism (forthcoming).

The Expressive Commons: Freedom of Expression as a Collective Action Problem.Exploring the Political Economy & Social Philosophy of Vincent & Elinor Ostrom. Rowman and Littlefeld (2020).

Coping with Complexity: A Theory of Hayekian Interventionism,” Interdisciplinary Studies of the Political Order: New Applications of Public Choice Theory. Rowman and Littlefeld (2019).

Between Heteronomy and Anarchy: Kant’s Reformulation of the Social Contract,” Kant and the Scottish Enlightenment. Routledge (2017).

Book Reviews                

Review of The Machinery of Government: Public Administration and the Liberal State. In The Independent Review (2022).

Current Projects        

The Problem of Complexity and the Emergence of Polycentric Political Order” (with Dries Daems) (under review).

Defends an explanatory model of the emergence of polycentric structures

Polycentricity and Adaptation: A Multilevel Selectionist Approach”(revise and resubmit).

Applies evolutionary theory to explain functionality of undesigned polycentric orders


Justice in Flux: A Reply to Weithman, Wiens & Ingham” (in progress).

Replies to recent criticisms of my recent paper “Is Justice a Fixed Point?”

Selected Presentations


Cooperation, Trust, and Hypocrisy: A Game-theoretic Account

PPE Society Annual Meeting in New Orleans, LA


The Problem of Complexity and the Emergence of Polycentric

Political Order

Public Choice Society Annual Meeting in Nashville, TN


Multilevel Selection and Polycentric Organization

Southern Economic Association Annual Conference in Houston, TX


What Can Social Complexity Teach Us about Cultural Evolution?

Santa Fe Institute’s CSSS in Santa Fe, NM


The Expressive Commons: Free Expression as a Collective Action


Mont Pelerin Society Special Meeting in Stockholm, Sweden


The Unanimity Rule in Constitutional Choice

The Conditions for Social Order, Workshop at King’s College in London, UK


Can Reasonable People be Incoherent? Rawlsian Constructivism and

the Avoidance of Truth

Northwestern University Society for the Theory of Ethics and Politics in Evanston, IL


Sharon Street’s Adaptive-Link Account IS a Tracking Account

Wisconsin Philosophical Association in Madison, WI

Selected Awards and Fellowships


NEH Institute, David Hume in the 21st Century

National Endowment for the Humanities, Portland State University


Gerald Gaus Memorial PPE Essay Prize

PPE Society, for my essay “Is Justice a Fixed Point?”


Politics, Philosophy, Economics, and Law Fellowship

Center for the Philosophy of Freedom, University of Arizona

2013, 2014                

Draminski Award for Academic Excellence in Economics

Department of Economics, University of Wisconsin Madison

Teaching and Work Experience


LAW 11195, Classical Liberalism: History, Theory, Contemporary

Jurisprudence, Fall 2022.

New York University, School of Law, Co-instructor with Mario Rizzo.

PPEL 320, The History of Economic Thought, Spring 2021.

University of  Arizona. Primary instructor.

PPEL 250, The Social Contract, Fall 2019.

University of Arizona. Primary instructor.

PPEL 205, The Ethics and Economics of Wealth Creation, Fall 2018.

University of Arizona. Teaching assistant.

PHIL 110, Logic and Critical Thinking, Spring 2017, Fall 2015.

University of Arizona. Teaching assistant.

Academic Work        

Managing Assistant for Public Affairs Quarterly, 2021-2022

Screened content, selected referees, and proofread accepted papers

Supervised by Jason Brennan

Editorial Assistant for Social Philosophy & Policy, 2016-2021.

Communicated with authors, assisted with organization and execution of conferences

Supervised by David Schmidtz

Graduate Fellow at The Alexis de Tocqueville Project in New Orleans, LA, 2015.

Contributed to workshop on Kant’s Rechtslehre, helped with administrative tasks

Supervised by Chris W. Surprenant

Additional Information

Referee work                

Social Philosophy & Policy (2018),  Public Affairs Quarterly (2019),  The Independent Review (2019, 2022),  Manuscrito (2020),  Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics (2021),  Politics, Philosophy & Economics (2022),  Journal of Economic Methodology (2022), Cosmos + Taxis (2022), Synthese (2022), Journal of Applied Philosophy (2022)


Proficient in Spanish and French